For questions, concerns or clarification, of this Typical Industry Standard Screenplay Release Form which we have only made more in Your favor than what is standard, please contact info@screenplayreadinggroup.com. Remember for us at the MSRG it's just an Acting Workout. We're not a bunch of Producers and we have no interest in stealing your stuff. However, we have no interest in helping you out, getting contacted about a similar project and then having you sue us. RELEASE FORM TITLE: ________________________________________. FORM OF MATERIAL: __________________________. DATE:_____________________. PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS: _____________________________________________________________________________. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THEME OR PLOT:
____________________________________________________________ WGA REGISTRATION NO.: _______________. NO. OF PAGES: ______. 1. I request that the MSRG read and evaluate said material. 2. I warrant that I am the sole owner and author of said material or have optioned the said material, that I have the exclusive right and authority to submit the same to the MSRG upon the terms and conditions stated herein; and that all of the important features of said material are summarized herein. I will indemnify the MSRG and anyone related to the practical functioning of the MSRG, including the actors who are doing the reading of my screenplay (hereinafter referred to collectively as "the MSRG") of and from any and all claims, loss or liability that may be asserted against the MSRG or incurred by the MSRG, at any time, in connection with said material, or any use thereof. It is the job of the MSRG to provide a service to help me get my screenplay backed or sold and the MSRG will do everything within their reasonable power to make sure my screenplay isn't stolen. 3. I agree that nothing in this agreement nor the fact of my submission of said material to the MSRG shall be deemed to place you in any different positions than anyone else to whom I have not submitted said material, except in the case where the MSRG leads me to a buyer or financial backer for my material in which case I agree to pay the MSRG 5% of any sale of my material or 3% of the production budget obtained for my material and 2% of the profits of all revenues related in any way to the movie calculated in the same manner that the Producer's Profits are calculated with the MSRG having the right to inspect the financial books related to the movie at any time if my movie is made as a result of having a Screenplay Reading done and videotaped by the MSRG and the contact being introduced to me by the MSRG via E-Mail. 4. I agree that if my screenplay is made into a movie by doing a Reading or through contacts initiated by the MSRG, I will include a head and end credit for the movie which reads "In Association with The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG) www.ScreenplayReadingGroup.com" and wil include all MSRG sponsors on the end credits of the movie and in all paid advertising including the poster. I also agree that if my Movie gets financed as a result of having submitted it to the MSRG, I will give the Casting Director for the MSRG Reading, the right of First Refusal on being the Casting Director on the Movie. If my Movie is made as a result of submitting the Screenplay to the MSRG, I will give positive publicity to the MSRG in any interviews I do related to the Movie. 5. I understand that as a general rule the MSRG considers literary properties through the established channels in the industry. I recognize that the separate people that make up the MSRG have access to and/or may create or have created literary materials and ideas which may be similar to my material in theme, idea, plot, format, or other respects since we are all influenced by the same society and just because I have a thought doesn't mean you didn't have the same thought. I agree that I will not be entitled to any compensation because of the use by the people that make up the MSRG of such similar material which may have been independently created by the MSRG independent of my material or have come to the MSRG collectively from any other independent source. 6. I have retained at least one copy of said material, and I hereby release the MSRG of and from any and all liability for loss of, or damage to, the copies of said material submitted to the MSRG hereunder. Copies of my screenplay will be transmitted to the MSRG via E-Mail sent to info@screenplayreadinggroup.com and translated into a Word file and attached to the E-Mail after I have received a receipt for having paid my Consideration Fee and including that in the E-Mail with my screenplay. I will also print a copy of this form and mail it to the MSRG at P.O. Box 1091, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. 7. I enter into this agreement with the express understanding that the MSRG agrees to read and evaluate said material in express reliance upon this agreement and my covenants, representatives and warranties contained herein, and that in the absence of such an agreement, the MSRG would not read and evaluate said material. 8. I hereby state that I have read and understand this agreement and all the
information contained in the website and that no oral representations of any kind have
been made to me, and that this agreement states our entire understanding with reference to
the subject matter hereof and that the MSRG is simply acting as a service to help ME get
MY film done, giving the Actors some good material to workout on. THE MSRG DOES NOT
HAVE RIGHTS AND I RETAIN ANY AND ALL OWNERSHIP RIGHTS TO MY SCREENPLAY. Very truly yours, ____________________________________ ___________________________________. |
Send E-Mail to info@screenplayreadinggroup.com
addressing it to Webmaster, with comments about this web site.