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New Site Still Being Built!

We are The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG) www.ScreenplayReadingGroup.com located on a Private Ranch in Malibu, California, near the Beach within 40 minutes of Hollywood.  Read the following Word for Word and Extremely Carefully.    That is, if you plan to change your Life.

ONLY 7% of the Communication Process is Words, the rest, 93%, is Body Language and Tone.

Why hand someone a Script, when you can hand them a DVD of the entire Screenplay acted out by top actors?

Sure you could do this at home, but can you?  Really?  We do this all the time, have built a structure, have amazing top of the line actors, some of them extremely well known and if you really did it right, it would probably cost you the same amount. 

This site is for anyone who has a Screenplay and wants to Make a Movie, but doesn't want to throw away $25,000 to $95,000 on a Trailor or has spent more than that to make a Short or for those that know that aside from doing live Screenplay Readings for investors that making a Trailor or a Short has, in the past, been the best alternate route to getting your Screenplay Sold or Movie financed.  

You have a Professional well drafted feature film Screenplay you took a year to make that you want to make into a Movie.  You are an Actor looking for Exposure.  You are a Producer looking for Funding.  You are a Well Known Actor who wants to get involved in some cutting edge material.  You are Serious about getting your Movie Made.  You don't want it to take 6-20 years to get your Screenplay made into a Movie. 




You are ANYWHERE in the World and you wrote an English language Screenplay and you have No Idea how to TAP INTO HOLLYWOOD.  Well, you are at the right place where the playing field is level and is entirely based on your CREATIVITY & TALENT instead of contacts and how hot looking you are.  

You simply submit your screenplay to us through here.   And for all you worried writers out there, don't worry about your screenplay getting stolen by us, we are a service to help You Sell or Get Your Screenplay Backed, not a producing entity and as such would never have any reason to steal your stuff, in fact, this Group was created to protect you from having your stuff stolen or concepts ripped off, so you will know everyone who gets a copy of your script and Reading and our Actors and Professional Crew Members who are reading them for consideration have all signed agreements with us stating that your script can't go anywhere unless you give us the okay and you have to know who it's going to.   We are not Agents, we are not Producers, we are just a bunch of Top Actors reading screenplays, as our own workout and we are filming it to help you!  Of course, we would love it if you would consider casting us in the movie when it gets into production if you like what you saw from us in the Reading.

Please Enter Your E-Mail Address for Special Discounts and Promotions from our Website Only.  Your information will be kept private for our purposes only.


You submit your screenplay to The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG) and IF accepted we have it read by some of the Best Actors in the World, filming and editing it with 3 DV Cameras where it is then promoted across the Malibu Chamber of Commerce, Hollywood Creative Directory, the American Film Market (AFM), to Film Industry Related Broadcast E-Mail Lists for Distributors, Producers, Production Companies, Private Film Investors and anyone who is looking to make great movies.  It comes alive when it is acted out by Professional Actors and then you, as the Writer or Producer, do not have to wonder whether or not "they" will Get what you wrote or Understand the Script you are trying to Produce. 

If someone requests it, you send them a copy of the Reading on DVD/VHS with your screenplay.  There are no Audiences at the Readings, only Members of Group are there and everyone is focused on the work.  The Readings are held at a Quiet, Extremely Private Location in Malibu, so that the Actors can Work in Peace.  And because it is a Quiet, Privately Owned Location in Malibu, if anyone Trespasses, they will be Removed. 

This service is intended to help filmmakers get their projects done, giving exposure to Actors and Writers entirely based on Talent. 

Welcome to the Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG) where Writers and Actors come together to attract Producers, Investors and Distributors to make great movies while protecting and promoting the writers and giving exposure to the Best Acting Talent available in movies today by videotaping Screenplay Readings so that a Producer, Distribution/Development Executive/Foreign Sales Agent or Investor can watch the taped Reading for themselves with Professional Actors acting it out for them. 

And "you know who lives in Mailbu."  

In fact, some of the Actors we have talked with directly about The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group include Bob Balaban, Jeff Bridges, Andy Garcia, Cher, David Carradine, Mike Farrell, Henry Gibson, Mel Gibson, Linda Hamilton, Clint Howard, Martin Landau, Shirley MacClaine, Michael Madsen, Richard Masur, Nick Nolte, Sean Penn, Adam Sandler, John Savage, Martin Sheen, Bo Svenson, Quentin Tarantino and Amy Weber.  Almost all of them have said they would show up themselves to do a Reading 2-3 Friday's each Year when they are in town, based on their availability and would let us know two weeks in advance.  And while they are in no way committing to your Movie and will only do the Reading if they like the screenplay - aren't these the type of people you are trying to get your script to in the first place?

Here's how it works.  Every month during the 1st year (and Once a Year in every year thereafter), the Best Script Submitted for Consideration will get the Reading done for Free. 

You submit your Screenplay for Consideration.  Film Editors and Script Supervisors and other Film Production Crew Members who have made Movies that have been released to the Theaters, don't critique it, they just tell us Yes or No we should do a Reading.  

If you want a critique or you want to improve it so that it has a better chance of getting accepted here, especially if you are in New York and you want to learn from the best, contact Michael Sayers at MySayi@aol.colm or contact Skip Press in Los Angeles at Skippress@earthlink.net and/or Dan Decker at Dan@screenwritersgroup.com for more information and tell them the MSRG referred you.   And be careful of other critiquing services that talk about scams and then charge you for their critiquing services because at a certain point, if your screenplay is good, you can rewrite it forever and you won't get it sold or made without it coming to life for the Reader and you will have spent all this money on critiquing services and it will have all gone to waste. 

This service gives you exposure and a sales tool you can use to Get Your Screenplay Sold or Financed.  We are already being contacted by Distributors, Investors and Foreign Sales Agents who actually have money in the bank and want a slate of films.  Like we said, no false promises here.  Just possibilities for opportunities based on a proven method and close to 20 years of knowledge by Making Movies ourselves. 

If your screenplay is the Best Submitted for the Month, you get a FREE Screenplay Reading.  If your Screenplay is not the Best that Month, but is accepted for a reading, you can stop there or pay to have it read.   If you decide not to have it Read, it's your loss, you only had to pay for the Submission Fee.  No Big Deal. 

It's a 2 Step Process.  First you submit your Synopsis and if accepted for that cutoff, you will be contacted to Submit your Screenplay.

Submit Your Synopsis Now for ONLY $10.

As Soon As you Pay on-line with your credit card on our Secured Server, you get an E-Mail receipt which you Forward to info@screenplayreadinggroup.com with your synopsis, you then print out the Release Form, sign it and send it via snail mail to MSRG, P.O. Box 1091, Pacific Palisades, CA  90272. 

Submit Now since only 52 Readings will be done each year and you don't want to miss your chance.   If you do a rewrite before the Reading you can Submit It and, as long as we agree that it's better, we will read it instead. 

But DON'T SUBMIT unless you HAVE a SCREENPLAY READY TO SEND.  If you are going to get an acceptance, it will be within 30 days.

If you receive an E-Mail accepting your Synopsis then quickly Take Advantage of the Temporary Special Rate for submitting your screenplay.

Submit Your Screenplay Now for ONLY $45.

As Soon As you Pay the Screenplay Consideration Fee on-line with your credit card on our Secured Server, you get an E-Mail receipt which you Forward to info@screenplayreadinggroup.com with your screenplay attached in either ScriptThing, Movie Magic ScreenWriter or Word format, and send an additional copy of your script via snail mail to MSRG, P.O. Box 1091, Pacific Palisades, CA  90272. 

Submit Now since only 52 Readings will be done each year and you don't want to miss your chance.   And remember, if you do a rewrite before the Reading you can Submit It and, as long as we agree that it's better, we will read it instead. 

Every month during the 1st year (and Once a Year in every year thereafter), the Best Script Submitted for Consideration will get the Reading done for Free.   If your screenplay is not the Best that Month, but is choosen for a Reading, you will be notified via E-Mail and you will then pay for organizing it, taping it and editing the Screenplay Reading for ONLY $9,500; 1/3 of what the cheapest trailor you could make would cost since Trailors normally cost $25,000 to $90,000 on up and are a much less Effective Sales Tool because you can't tell whether the script is any good.  And $9,500 is less than five month's rent on a typical 1 Bedroom Apartment in New York City.  With us, you don't have to move there or LA to get your Screenplay Sold or Financed.  And if you want confirmation on how much a great Trailor will cost you contact www.cimarrongroup.com ($250,000 to $1,000,000 is what they quoted us).

Submit Now before all the Slots are Taken and Remember there are ONLY 52 in a year.  Think about the money you may save by getting your Project done hopefully through the MSRG instead of figuring out ways to scrape together your rent for who knows how long while you try other ways to get your Movie Made.  Been there.  Done that.  And came up with this as the Best Way to Get your Movie Made. 

Ask anyone who knows and they will tell you that filming a screenplay reading to pass around to get your script sold or financed is probably the Best Way to do it.  

Come to us when you know the "Real Deal" on how the business really works. 

And if you are wondering what types of stories would benefit from a Reading think Field of Dreams, Groundhog Day, Shine, At Close Range, One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest, Willy Wonka, Ghost, Dead Poets Society, The Changling, Good Will Hunting, Sleepless in Seattle, Rocky, Risky Business, anything where the dialogue and the emotional range of the actors carry the story and the visuals are a wonderful bonus.


If your SCREENPLAY is the BEST OF THE MONTH, you get a Free Screenplay Reading.  If it's not and if you are a 1ST TIMER and do not have any credits on the IMDB.Com, then for the next several months, if you submit NOW and your SYNOPSIS and SCREENPLAY is accepted, you will only have to pay $3,500 for the Reading with the other $6,000 paid to the MSRG, if your script is sold or financed as a Result of Doing the Reading or Submitting it to the MSRG. 

In fact, if you want to edit the footage, we will take off $1,500 off the upfront cost.  Just let us know and we will give you the raw footage, edit instructions and you will allow us to keep a copy in our archives, where people can contact you and request a copy.


Pay for Screenplay Reading!  Videotaping and Organizing of the Screenplay Reading for only ONLY $2,000 ($6,000 Deferral paid upon sale or backing).



Pay for Screenplay Reading!  At our Breakeven Cost of Videotaping, Editing and Organizing of the Screenplay Reading for only ONLY $3,500 ($6,000 Deferral paid upon sale or backing) - ONLY 6 Readings a Year will be done This Way.



Pay for Screenplay Reading!  Videotaping and Organizing of the Screenplay Reading for only ONLY $8,000 (Save $1,500 by Editing it Yourself).



Pay for Screenplay Reading!  For Videotaping, Editing and Organizing of the Screenplay Reading for only ONLY $9,500 (A 1/3 OF WHAT YOU NORMALLY SPEND)


Our Mission

To Help You Make Academy Award Winning Movies that Make Money.

Company Profile

The Founder, Larry Eudene, is a Film Director/Actor/Writer with 18 years of Experience in all areas of the film business, including teaching acting for the Screen Actors Guild on both coasts. 

The Readers are all Script Supervisors, Editors, DPs, Camera Operators, ADs, PMs, Producers and Other Key Production Crew who have made Movies for years that have been released to Theaters (not inexperienced people straight out of school or still in film school who have not written a screenplay and who have never worked on a film set and are somehow related to or intimately involved with the person they are reading the screenplay for).

The Actors are all Professionals.   25 Well Known Actors, 25 Leads or Major Supporting Roles in a Theatrically Released Film available on Home Video and 50 Amazingly Talented Unknown Actors who are either SAG, AFTRA or Equity and who we have every faith can go One on One against the others.

The Plans for the Future are to read 52-104 scripts a year for the first 4 years and to have them available through this website in Video and Audio formats, so that as a Writer you can point a potential financier to this site and they can hear or see your Screenplay Reading on-line or get in contact with you to request a copy be sent.


The Average Screenplay (if any good) takes 2-6 years from being written to getting it Produced into a Movie.

Chariots of Fire took 20 years.

Jacobs Ladder,


Forrest Gump 7 years.

And the List goes on and on.

The MSRG was created with the hope that it would reduce the time it takes you to Get Your Movie done.  It is based on the 8 year successful model for Fifth Night at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe in New York, although we have taken things a step further by filming it and making it available to a everyone in the movie industry and creating a financial model so it would be able to sustain itself.

Contact Information        Hit Counter

Snail mail
P.O. Box 1091, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Electronic mail
Send E-Mail to info@screenplayreadinggroup.com addressing it to Webmaster.

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Send E-Mail to info@screenplayreadinggroup.com addressing it to Webmaster, with comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG)
Last modified: June 10, 2002