Our Proud List of Sponsors: Charter Communications - Jeannette Scovill (President of 2001 Malibu Chamber of Commerce)
If you wish to be a Proud Sponsor of The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group, it costs $2,500 per screenplay reading. Your name will be mentioned and if you Sponsor more than one Screenplay Reading, you will be listed here, on our letterhead and in all our literature. Skyy, Samuel Adams, Mercedez, and all the other Sponsors of the Sundance Film Festival are considering Sponsorship right now. Sponsorship reduces the cost of putting on the Screenplay Readings for the Writers so they don't have to pay so much. Film Industry service providers are encouraged to sponsor since so many Producers, Writers and Actors will think of them for services whether or not their film gets made through the Program. At least 1 of every 5 households in Malibu has a Net Worth greater than $500,000. Contact info@screenplayreadinggroup.com if you are interested in being a Sponsor or just purchase your Sponsorship by clicking the appropriate button below.
Web ChangesThis is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first. Right now everything is up for Grabs. Recent Media Coverage of The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG)
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