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 Actor's Oath


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In the interest of keeping with the Spirit of The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group, hereinafter referred to as the "MSRG" or "Group", raise your right hand and repeat after me.

I, ______________________________________ (fill in your name), do solemnly swear to show up on time, keep my gripes to myself, only to be shared with Larry Eudene, to not speak about or share any screenplays or my thoughts or comments on screenplays or the MSRG with anyone except to practice my lines exclusively with other members of the MSRG, to pay by the 25th of the preceding month unless and until a Movie I have been a Lead or MAJOR Supporting Role in has been released to Theaters is currently available on Home Video at which point I will send an E-Mail to Larry Eudene and the MSRG telling you I am now part of the other two categories and asking you to congratulate me and promote me this way, that for the year 2003, I will be available from 1-4pm on Thursday for Rehearsals and 10:30am-6:30pm Friday and sometime after 2004, I will be available either 1-4pm on Tuesdays for Rehearsals and 10:30am-6:30pm on Wednesdays or for the times on Thursday and Friday, that I solemnly swear to be responsible enough to E-Mail the MSRG by the end of the day that I receive a screenplay for that week if I am incapable of being there for the Reading that week because I am booked to shoot something that is a paying job or I may be dropped from the MSRG, that I swear to be prepared to read through the screenplay the day of the Screenplay Reading 3 Times; once for notes, second after doing Subtext Improv and Emotional Investment Workouts and to let the camera practice and the last time to be taped again for real, that I agree I am doing this for a Professional Workout and Exposure and will not be paid for it and give The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG) and Larry Eudene all rights available to me including releasing my rights to my image and voice regarding the video and audio taping of all Readings I do with the MSRG in perpetuity throughout the Universe, that I swear to provide a current E-Mail address where I can receive screenplays with the role I am assigned to do and that because of the volume of people, I swear not to try to reach anyone by telephone as I understand all calls will go unanswered and that if I have a question, I will send an E-Mail by the end of the day following when I get the screenplay for that week and, if possible, I will be sent a response.   I understand this is a Professional Group and I am as serious about doing the Readings as if I was actually Making the Movie, so I will be Responsible and leave my Ego and my Emotions at HOME.   I will only bring the Ego and Emotions of the Role I am portraying in reference to the SCREENPLAY for that week.  And I understand that I am going to be getting a tremendous amount of training out of this subsidized by Writers and Producers who want to get their Movies made, who are not Funded and who might want me to Audition for the Movie when it gets made as a result of me showing up to do the Reading for them and if I appear in the movie, I will promote the MSRG with enthusiastic positivity in any interviews I do regarding the movie and that if I need to sign a more formal release I will do so.  

All that having been sworn to by me on this day, I will print this oath, sign it and send it to the MSRG c/o Larry Eudene, P.O. Box 1091, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, so that I can partake in the Screenplay Readings.

Once I have done this and paid my Actor Administration Fee by the 25th of each preceding month if that applies to me as SAG Actor who has NOT been a Lead or MAJOR Supporting Role in a Movie released to Theaters and currently available on Home Video or a Well Known Film Actor, I will be Officially Part of the Group unless I violate this oath and agreement at which point I may be immediately dismissed from the Group and will exit quietly keeping my comments about the MSRG and anyone related to it to myself.




Name                                                                             Date


Send E-Mail to info@screenplayreadinggroup.com addressing it to Webmaster, with comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 The Malibu Screenplay Reading Group (MSRG)
Last modified: June 10, 2002